WORK SUSPENSION- zawieszenie w obowiązkach

HR English


Familiarize yourself with the expressions connected with the main entry (SUSPENSION). Try to match the phrases (1-5) with their definitions (a-e).


1.      adverse action

a) a form of disciplinary action involving suspension, usually without pay, for a specified number of days or weeks.

2.      conditions of employment

b) systems by which individual members of a group or organization are held accountable for their behavior and actions. They include disciplinary actions such as reprimands, warnings, suspensions, and termination.

3.      disciplinary layoff

c) clearly defined, codified, and communicated to all concerned organizational policies and work rules that apply to employees such as probationary periods, absences, tardiness, rest periods, vacations, overtime, suspensions, layoffs, dismissals, and other special circumstances.

4.      progressive discipline

d) a system involving increasingly severe penalties each time an employee is disciplined for the same violation, a similar offense, or a very serious offense.

5.      formal sanctions

e) disciplinary action in the form of formal sanctions to correct or modify unacceptable employee behavior. The action may include written reprimand, written warning, suspension, and termination.

1e 2c 3a 4d 5b

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Anna Korzekwa

4jobs STUDIO, Gliwice

Trener języka angielskiego w biznesie z ponad 12-letnim doświadczeniem.
Absolwentka Podyplomowych Studiów Menedżerskich SGH opartych na strukturze MBA, a także Studiów Podyplomowych Szkoły Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Śląskiego na kierunku Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi . Opracowuje i wdraża, w zakresie języka specjalistycznego, kompleksowe programy szkoleniowe w formule ‘in-company’.

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