WORK ALIENATION- wyobcowanie w miejsu pracy

HR English


Let's have a look at some synonyms for the word 'work' (noun). They are comparable when they mean effort or exertion directed to the accomplishment of an end or an employment or activity which involves such expenditure of effort or exertion. However, there are some slight differences. Complete the sentences to find out more about the terms.

grind, toil, drudgery, work, labor, travail

He was tired after a day's ___________ in the fields.
The price of repairs includes __________, parts, and VAT.
They finally succeeded after many months of painful ____________.
But any music fan should enjoy seeing the blood, sweat and _________ that goes into making the end product we all buy.
They both point to the physical _________ of housework - the relentless nappy-changing, cooking and cleaning.
It's time to take a break from the normal _________, slow down, take it easy, and of course, listen to relaxing music.

Answers: 2.labour 3. travail 4.toil 5.drudgery 6. grind

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Anna Korzekwa

4jobs STUDIO, Gliwice

Trener języka angielskiego w biznesie z ponad 12-letnim doświadczeniem.
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