UNJUSTIFIABLE DISMISSAL- bezprawne zwolnienie

HR English

Below you can find a few phrases related to hiring and firing. Complete the sentences with a suitable phrase.  Be careful with grammar forms!

To fire
To get the axe
To resign
To give notice
To lay off
To retire

If an employer __________ an employee __________, the employer tells the employee that he or she must leave his or her job within a fixed period of time.
If workers are ___________, they are told by their employers to leave their job, usually because there is no more work for them to do and they usually get a severance package.
If an employer __________ you, they dismiss you from your job, for example because of your poor performance or misconduct.
If you __________ from a job or position, you quit and you formally announce that you are leaving it.
When older people __________, they leave their job and usually stop working completely.
To get the chop, get the boot, get the elbow, _____________ are all synonyms and mean to be dismissed from employment.

gives, notice
laid off
get the axe

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Anna Korzekwa

4jobs STUDIO, Gliwice

Trener języka angielskiego w biznesie z ponad 12-letnim doświadczeniem.
Absolwentka Podyplomowych Studiów Menedżerskich SGH opartych na strukturze MBA, a także Studiów Podyplomowych Szkoły Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Śląskiego na kierunku Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi . Opracowuje i wdraża, w zakresie języka specjalistycznego, kompleksowe programy szkoleniowe w formule ‘in-company’.

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