STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Strategiczne zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi

HR English







Read the following information on SHRM and sample mission & vision statements. Complete the gaps with words (verbs) that are missing. Decide whether the sentences are Mission or Vision of the company.

Strategic HR planning is an important component of SHRM. It links HRM directly to the strategic plan of your company. Most mid- to large sized organizations have a strategic plan that guides them in successfully meeting their missions. Thus, mission and vision statements are very important in order to communicate the goals of the plan to employees and the public.

What is a Mission Statement?

Mission Statement is a written declaration of an organization's core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time. Properly crafted mission statements serve as filters to separate what is important from what is not, clearly state which markets will be served and how, and communicate a sense of intended direction to the entire organization.

What is a Vision Statement?

Vision Statement is an aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. It is intended to serves as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action. 

  1. Stanford University
    ________ the Harvard of the West. (1940’s)
  1. Dow Chemical
    To constantly __________ what is essential to human progress by mastering science and technology.
  1. Google
    To __________ the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
  1. Honda
    Maintaining a global viewpoint, we are dedicated to __________ products of the highest quality, yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction.
  1. Nike
    To _________ inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.
  1. Sony
    To emotionally touch and __________ our customers.
  1. Caterpillar
    _________ the global leader in customer value.
  1. Xerox
    Our strategic intent is to __________ people find better ways to do great work by constantly leading in document technologies, products and services that improve our customers' work processes and business results.
  1. GM
    GM’s vision ________ to be the world leader in transportation products and related services.
  1. Nike
    ________ Adidas. (1960’s)


  1. become, VS
  2. improve, MS
  3. organize, MS
  4. supplying, MS
  5. bring, MS
  6. excite, MS
  7. be, VS
  8. help, MS
  9. is, VS
  10. crush, VS

*It is possible in some cases to use words that have the same or very similar meaning (synonyms).

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Anna Korzekwa

4jobs STUDIO, Gliwice

Trener języka angielskiego w biznesie z ponad 12-letnim doświadczeniem.
Absolwentka Podyplomowych Studiów Menedżerskich SGH opartych na strukturze MBA, a także Studiów Podyplomowych Szkoły Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Śląskiego na kierunku Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi . Opracowuje i wdraża, w zakresie języka specjalistycznego, kompleksowe programy szkoleniowe w formule ‘in-company’.

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