BEI- wywiad behawioralny

HR English

Have a look at some HR abbreviations and acronyms. Let's try to match them with their meaning.
CEO    CHCO    RIF    EI    DCM   IP  Xers

  • Case by case monitoring of the treatment of employees with disabilities.
  • The senior executive responsible for the management of an organization and the individual to whom all other executives report.
  • The process of engaging workers as individuals and in groups at all levels of organization in making decisions relating to their work. It is characterized by three elements: information, empowerment, and rewards.
  • The corporate officer responsible for overseeing the hiring, retention, and development of employees and for making decision and setting strategies for developing the workforce.
  • In law, the statutes that protect ideas, trade secrets, inventions, and creative works from being copied or stolen.
  • A common consequence of or accompaniment to downsizing— the layoff of employees. That is, voluntary or involuntary termination of employees as a response to competitive     pressures, economic downturns, mergers and takeovers, and downsizing and restructuring.
  • A label for a generation, a demographic generalization applied to the generation (1960–    1980) following the baby boomers, the twenty-something generation brought up on video and accustomed to technology, that came of age in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Said to be     risk-takers, skeptical, family-oriented, pragmatic, highly competitive, self and fulfillment- oriented.

Disability Case Management - DCM
Chief Executive Officer - CEO
Employee Involvement - EI
Chief Human Capital Officer - CHCO
Intellectual Property - IP
Reduction In Force – RIF
Generation X - Xers

Definitions based on Human Resources Glossary – W.R.Tracey

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Anna Korzekwa

4jobs STUDIO, Gliwice

Trener języka angielskiego w biznesie z ponad 12-letnim doświadczeniem.
Absolwentka Podyplomowych Studiów Menedżerskich SGH opartych na strukturze MBA, a także Studiów Podyplomowych Szkoły Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Śląskiego na kierunku Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi . Opracowuje i wdraża, w zakresie języka specjalistycznego, kompleksowe programy szkoleniowe w formule ‘in-company’.

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